Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Little Girl and the Big Boy.

This little girl had her three year check-up and once again, we were reminded that she IS a little girl but growing like a weed. She is 28 pounds (a mere 3 pounds heavier than her little brother) but is in the 80% for height. She may be on the smaller side for size but boy, does she have a big personality. All is well and the doctor gave us the green light until next year. 

The appointment was a bit more involved that I had anticipated including blood pressure, of course, weight and height, pricking of the finger and a urine sample. To say that those tasks were a tad daunting with a three year old would be an understatement so I decided a treat day was in order since Olivia made it through all of that.

So....we ventured to the library (which has become one of Olivia's favorite spots) and to get ice cream.
She LOVES putting all of the puzzles together, coloring, browsing the books and videos and receiving her sticker from the librarian when it is time to go.

I have to say, Ford and I don't mind the library too much either. 

Then it was time to indulge in our ice cream treat. Olivia picked blue Splish Splash sherbet in honor of her favorite color. She only tells us a thousand times a day that her favorite color is blue....really, a thousand! I may be guilty of surrounding her world with pink since the day she arrived into this world.:) So, of course her favorite color would be blue............

This is what Ford thought of the Splish Splash sherbet. Not a big fan, sissy.

While sissy is growing into a three year old this little boo boo is growing into a one year old right before my eyes. Someone commented on Facebook that he is losing that baby, please, please NO!

He is doing just that though. Growing into a big boy. He is not crawling on his knees just yet but he does move, he just decided it would be better to move backwards.
Moving backwards can get you into a heap of ending up under the train table......

....or backing into Lilly and getting stuck.

Last Saturday we decided to take the Little, Big:) people to the Children's museum. To say that Olivia had a blast would be an understatement. We even had a small (or BIG) melt down when it was time to head home (just some small joys of having a 3 year old).

Sissy decided to fix us all (including Ford) some food and drinks. We all had a great time.

Someone has been enjoying some mac and cheese so much so that he thought he needed to smear it all over his face. Don't you wish you could just smear food everywhere once in a while?!

This baby for another 13 days has needed some good ole rocking from mommy lately. Can't say that I mind all that much. It's hard work growing 2 sets of molars at the same time. A little extra attention at night makes it a little easier.:) And it fills mommy's heart.