Last weekend we actually were able to take a little trip down to the beach for some r&r. Well.... now we know there is no such thing as r&r, the beach and a one year old! We have learned our lesson. We should have know the trip wasn't going to be very peaceful when it took us 8 hours to get down there when it should have taken us 4. I think we spent a total of one hour at the pool (thank goodness it was heated!) the whole weekend. We also spent practically one whole night up with a screaming baby. Now we know to always take a babysitter with us! All in all it was a fun trip and I'm so glad that we went and made memories together (even if they weren't all happy).
Such a cute little beach baby.
After Olivia realized sand doesn't taste very good.
Enjoying the pool with Daddy.
Who doesn't like a naked baby's booty??? So.darn.cute.
Doesn't every baby need a little nakey nakey time while at the beach??
(Hope she doesn't kill me in about 10 years for posting this cuteness!)