Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Sneak Peak

Things That Make Me Happy

 Taking this sweet girl to the park and seeing this smile. I think she would go to the park everyday all day and be in her happy place which makes this momma in her happy place.

Staying at home and taking care of these sweet chickadees makes me a happy momma. I wouldn't have it any other way. Never. Ever.
Painting these little tootsies and hearing this girl say "ooooo sooo pretttyyy, thank you momma!"
Makes my heart smile.

Cuddling with this sweet little blessing every afternoon while his big sister sleeps. That is for sure a happy place (and peaceful).

Seeing these two do what daddy's and baby girls do together. Love it. Happy.
Can we be any more blessed??? Thank you, Lord for letting your Son die and rise again for me and my sweet little family. This is a millimeter of the happiness that we will feel in heaven, spending eternity with Him.