I am sure I have said this before but I not only keep this blog up for my friends and family to keep up with our boring lives but also for myself. I want to be able to look back and remember as much as possible about raising these two that have been gifted to me and so they can look back on memories from their childhood. So sometimes the posts are pretty boring like this one but I want to include it for Ford one day is his blog book that I make once a year. So pardon all the cuteness in these pictures.:)
Someone has found a new "toy". Sometimes if he's cranky I just lay him on his back and make sure he has a foot to gnaw on and he's all better.:)
Not so sure about the whole glow worm thing...
This is my view most afternoons after nap time. Love those chunky thighs.
Can you ever get enough of a grinning baby with no teeth?
This is one happy boy.