Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, June 29, 2012

4 Months

Since becoming a mother I have heard many other mothers talk about having boys and how special the bond is and how they just do something to a momma's heart. After I had Olivia I thought those people were crazy. I love Olivia with every inch of my body and felt an instant bond with her the moment the doctor layed her on my chest. But, I agree, having a boy is different. I don't love him any more or less, or bigger or smaller, or wider or deeper than I do Olivia. It is just different.

My, oh my Ford is already 4 months old. He is really starting to show his personality and become his own little person. I think he is going to be very layed back and easy going. He has started smiling a ton. He will smile at anything or any face you make at him (which makes it really easy to get a good picture of him). He has also started reaching for his toys, sitting up in his bumbo seat, cooing at the toys on the floor gym and even noticing the dog and his sister more. He nurses every 3 hours during the day and goes anywhere from 8-12 hours at night. He has even started sleeping in a sleep sack instead of being swaddled. He still loves his swing, his ninny, his lovies, and to be rocked before bed time.

We went to the doctor this morning and he weighs 16lb 2 oz which is in the 75% and he is in the 95%  for length. Big sister better watch out, she won't be the bigger of two for long. Ford has 2 pounds to go before he weighs what Olivia weighed at one year. This big boy is such a joy and has made our family feel much more complete. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Big Boy

If you know our family very well then you would know that Olivia's nickname around our house is Tater. Hays gave her that nickname when she was all of 2 days old and it has just stuck. If you ask her what her name is she will either say Oyiyah (Olivia) or Tater.

Well, we were having a hard time coming up with Ford's nickname. Everything we came up with just didn't seem right for our little guy. So one day at breakfast I was talking to Olivia and telling her "you know how your name is Tater? Well, what do you think Ford's name should be?" With no hesitation at all she blurts out "BIG BOY" with great emphasis on the B's and a very long, drawn out "Y" at the end of boy (also in a very high pitched voice). So...Big Boy it is.

Here are a few pictures of our Big Boy and that he is.:)


Have you ever heard the saying "the days are long but the years are so short"? That is exactly how I am feeling in this season of my life. Some days, I think 5 o"clock (when Hays gets tackled at the door) will NEVER get here but then I take a breathe and look up and Olivia is already 2 1/2 and I think where in the world has time gone. These two really keep me on my toes, test my pateince (the bigger one more than the smaller one...right now), have given me grey hair (I am sure of it) and bags under my eyes, and there is not a clean inch in my house as I type this right now BUT I wouldn't have it any other way.

Do you want to know the best sound in the whole wide world? Children laughing. They really do bring so much love, joy and happiness...

Weekend Visitor

Our Nano came for a long weekend visit and we all couldn't be happier to see her. The initial plan was for her to come stay with the kids so Hays and I could have a one night getaway for our anniversary. Ford is still having some trouble taking a bottle so we all had fun with Nano and Hays and I went out for a nice dinner and massage while she was here.

This is how we all feel when it is time for her to go home.
We had such a great weekend! Hays and I were thankful to get away with just the two of us for a while and Olivia was beside herself to get to spend time with her Nano.
Thanks, Nano! We love you!

Potty Training Update

I guess the saying that it's easier to potty train little girls than boys is true. Last Monday morning we decided to make a go for it and haven't looked back....on the teetee part, that is. Olivia has not had one accident since th first day with the #1 part. Really, who wouldn't want to teetee in the potty when you get loaded down with treats afterwards. The first couple of days, we rewarded her quite a bit for a job well done, hence the HUGE cupcake in the picture below.

The #2 part (poopoo) is a different story. She did great the first few days but not so much the last few. I guess bigger things take more time. I just hope not too much more time. This momma is so tired of changing diapers.

This is what happens when you send a 2 year old to preschool with panties on and no change of clothes. She comes home in her very first "camo dress". I guess the pink bow kinda evens all the green out a bit.:)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

8 years....

On this very day 8 years ago I married my best friend, soul mate and the person I wanted to spend forever with. It was a beautiful day! The ceremony was outside under huge Oak trees and there was a nice breeze in the summer air. The sun was just making its way down and put a golden haze that made its way through the tree branches. All of our family and closest friends were there to share this special moment with us as entered the covenant of marriage.

We, like any other couple, have had our ups and downs, times where we agreed to disagree and sometimes have probably wanted to jump out of this promise. BUT we have also had some of the happiest days that we NEVER could have even imagined 8 years ago. Two beautiful children later I love this man way more than I did 8 years ago and look forward to the many more to come. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure this is MY life I'm living and not someone else's. I am one lucky girl! Thank you, Lord for blessing me so abundantly.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Hays! Olivia, Ford and I couldn't ask for a more dedicated, loving, caring, funny, playful, adventurous, patient and strong person to be the leader of our family. You truly are the glue to our family and we love you more than you will ever know.

Hays started out his day in bed with these two monkeys and a nice little breakfast (one of the monkeys kept picking off his plate but I guess that's part of being a daddy).

Olivia and Ford got him some nice hiking boots, a shirt, some TOMS shoes (which Hays informed me will be taken back) and homemade banana pudding.

Can you tell they're both super excited? Our babies take forever to wake up in the mornings. #justlikemomma #poordaddy

Olivia's shirt says it all.....
Happy Father's Day to Papa and Pops!!! We wouldn't be where we are today without your love and guidance. Thank you for loving our children so much!

Potty Training 101

On this Monday morning we have cleared our calendar and dedicated ourselves to potty training. We have tried using the potty several times but we have been very inconsistent so I finally decided it was time to just bite the bullet. I have been dreading this day but it has come.

This little girl has been a shocker! Everybody knock on some wood for me but she has had one very small accident this morning and has initiated and used the potty about 6 times today. To say that I am proud of her would be an understatement. I know that we are not out of the potty woods yet but our future is looking very clear.:) I've got my fingers crossed for this afternoon and the many more days ahead.

Olivia with her "Nemo" cookie after she used the potty the first time (note the potty and all the panties in the background). She got a cookie for going the first time and has gotten M&M's everytime after. She appears to be a hoarder because she would line her cookie and other treats up and just look at them instead of actually eating them. Love this girl!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey

We made our first trip to the circus. I really wasn't sure what Olivia would think of it or how she would react to the loud noises and flashes of light but she LOVED it. Every time that I looked at her she was either dancing to the music or mimicking what the people were doing with the animals.

Someone was feeling very photogenic. Love this girl.

Some of the show I wasn't too sure about but the elephants did some pretty amazing things.

So what does Olivia bring home from the circus? Not just a hat like every other normal child but a decorated, stuffed elephant and a big tub of popcorn. The girl loves her some popcorn.


Olivia always begs to "go night night with mommy and daddy" but if you have ever slept with a 2 year old you probably know why we always so NO. So we decided the other night to have a little slumber party in our living room with a movie, popcorn, peanut butter m&m's (my fav), mommy and daddy. We had a twin and queen blow up mattresses and I think Olivia was still the only one that got any sleep (Hays even ended up on the couch). All in all it was a good time and Olivia had a blast. I really look forward to the many more girly things we get to do with her.

Beach Trip Numero Dos

Hays' parents own a condo on Fort Morgan beach so we are so very blessed to be able to go down there several times during the summer. It's nice to be able to get away and even nicer that it's free. Believe me, we do realize how truly blessed we are.

Last week we were able to go down for a few days and enjoy the sun (or more like the rain). We meet two of Hays' high school friends at the beach annually so they came down a few days after us. There wasn't a ton of sun this time but we were able to get down on the beach for a little while the first two days we were there.

Olivia LOVES the sand so much that she would eat handfuls of it. I know, weird....

Ford seemed to like it as well. It was a breezy afternoon so we put him in this tent contraption in his car seat and he slept most of the time. If he's not a beach baby we're gonna do our best to make him one.:)

Two little peas in a pod. She is such a daddy's girl.

First, daddy was buried in the sand.

Soon after, Olivia was buried in the sand.
It rained the majority of the time we were there so we had to find different modes of entertainment. The zoo is always a good place to go for our family. This zoo has a lot of interactive activities for kids so we had a blast.
Olivia and I got to pet and hold baby kangaroos.

Of course, they have a petting zoo. I'm not sure who is more fond of who, the goat or Olivia.

She tried to make best friends with this little guy and he was having none of it. He kept running from her and she would continue to chase him. They were both very adamant.:)

Can you tell this big guy was having a rough day???

More petting and feeding. Olivia was beside herself.

We also went shopping one afternoon when the sun decided to hide from us. Not only did we drag Ford shopping with us but he also had to ride with Olivia's "babies". Poor thing, I really do feel sorry for him.

Olivia and Laurie
Laurie is the daughter of one of Hays' high school friends. Olivia and Laurie are only a month apart in age and had the best time playing together. Notice both of their babies, such sweetness.

This is Laurie and Olivia 2 years ago at the beach. So much can change in a short 2 years. They went from being babies to being little mommas to babies.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Meet My Friend, Bortella

My Junior League project this year is to volunteer at the Jackson Zoo. I will be spending lots of time at the zoo in the upcoming months working special events and such. So, I guess, Bortella and I will become pretty good friends. I'm not so sure if I am very excited about this or not. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

How can I resist???

How can I reist but to post such cuteness....

This sweet (and chubby) cheeks has got my heart.

Play Date With "My Wil"

Wil Franklin or as Olivia will call him, "My Wil" came over the other day for a little play date. We decided to break out the finger paint for some entertainment. It occupied maybe 2 minutes of these busy, little toddlers time then they were on to something else.

Ford, Camilla (sweet lady that is almost like family that helps clean our house),
Wil Franklin and Olivia

Olivia was all about the messy paint.

Wil Franklin, not so much.

The masterpieces.

Do we have a Leonardo Da Vinci on our hands??

No, probably not but it was still fun to pretend.
We broke out the sidewalk paint for some fun yesterday afternoon.

She is quite the artist. Well, I am her mother.:)