Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, November 23, 2009


It is that time of year to really be pondering what we are thankful for. Although, this is something that we should do on a daily basis, we do get caught up with busy lives and forget the many things we are blessed with. In honor of Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, I would like to count my blessings for the many things I am undeserved of.

Hays and I have an abundance to be thankful for. These are just a few that are at the top of my list.
1.First, and foremost for a God that sent His Son to die for us, undeserving sinners, so that we could have ETERNAL amazing
2.For a Godly husband that encourages my walk with my Father and is so supportive and forgiving. I am not sure who I would be without him. God knew what He was doing when He brought us together.
3.For a healthy pregnancy thus far. Every good and perfect gift is from our Lord.
4.Our church that teaches us the word weekly and gives us Christian friends to fellowship with.
5.My family....nothing else needs to be stated.
6.Friends that light up my days
7.The little things in life- a warm bed, coffee in the morning, flowers in the backyard, mountains to go visit, etc.
8.A home to make memories in and come home to everyday
9.Jobs that pay the bills and allow us to do things we really enjoy
10.Our little four legged child, Lilly.

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