Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Big Birthday

This is the little 6 pound and 5 ounce bundle of joy that we brought home a year ago. Really?? Where has the last year gone!? Olivia has grown so much and Hays and I actually survived the first year. This year has been full of sleepless nights, lots of rocking and singing, more picture taking than we have ever done, getting so excited over things like burps and big poopies, cheering the little girl on for the slightest accomplishment, watching Sesame Street at 5 am, changing diapers and changing more diapers, kissing cheeks more in one day than we could ever count, staring at God's beautiful work, trying every kind of baby food, changing more diapers, calling moms for desperate advice, cleaning poopie out of the bath tub, reading books, playing and more playing and the list could go on for days and days. How I do wish this year would have gone by a tad slower but how I have so enjoyed every minute of being a mommy to this little (now big) bundle of pure joy. Oh, Olivia, will you ever know how much me and your daddy love you?? One day...when you have your own bundle of'll know.
 Her birthday party was great and it could not have been a more perfect day. It was perfect weather with a high of 74 and lots of sunshine (nothing like the weather last year). We rented out the club house in our neighborhood so everyone could be invited to join the birthday fun. We had lots of family and friends there, including about 15 kids under the age of 5 (yes, it was CRAZY). The party theme was pink and white with cupcakes. Very girly for the little lady. What a bittersweet day!

Happy First Birthday sweet tater...We love you!

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much, Brooke! This has got to be the absolute cutest baby birthday EVER!!! :) The pictures y'all got are so precious too! I can see her little personality! I'm so glad it went well... I know it'll be so soon that we'll be celebrating their 5 year birthdays! Crazy!
