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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What We've Been Up To...

We have been so busy the last couple of weeks that I just realized that I need to catch y'all up with what we've been up to. This summer has been fun, crazy and busy! My parents, sister and nephews came for a visit last weekend and we had a ball. I guess we were having so much fun that we forgot to take pictures because we have NONE! They kept Olivia for us so Hays and I could celebrate our 7th (yep, you read it right) anniversary. We had a nice lunch out and then much needed massages. Thanks mom, dad and Amie for keeping the girl so we could have some childless time.

The last two weeks I have been building a house with Habitat. It has been such a blessing to be able to participate in building a home for someone in just 2 weeks. It has been HOT.... can I just say that again, HOT! and a lot of hard work but so worth it. I have missed being with my girl so much though.

We have also had a few summer fun days. We have gotten yogurt and played in the splash park there several times, gone to the children's museum, fed the geese at the reservoir and played at the "real" splash park.  Whew...we LOVE summer time!

Playing at the splash park. She LOVES it and runs around like she's a big girl.
Playing scrabble at the children's museum. Olivia wasn't too impressed. Maybe next time.

These are two best buds. I saw Lilly share her treat with Olivia this afternoon. Yes, Olivia ate it!!

Who said this girl could grow into a toddler so quickly?? NOT this momma!!!

Oh, and we've been eating lots of ice cream and Popsicles.
Mmmm Mmmm good!!

Surprise! This is our new best friend....not really. He's a friendly snake that will hopefully only come around while we aren't outside playing.

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