Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, June 29, 2012

4 Months

Since becoming a mother I have heard many other mothers talk about having boys and how special the bond is and how they just do something to a momma's heart. After I had Olivia I thought those people were crazy. I love Olivia with every inch of my body and felt an instant bond with her the moment the doctor layed her on my chest. But, I agree, having a boy is different. I don't love him any more or less, or bigger or smaller, or wider or deeper than I do Olivia. It is just different.

My, oh my Ford is already 4 months old. He is really starting to show his personality and become his own little person. I think he is going to be very layed back and easy going. He has started smiling a ton. He will smile at anything or any face you make at him (which makes it really easy to get a good picture of him). He has also started reaching for his toys, sitting up in his bumbo seat, cooing at the toys on the floor gym and even noticing the dog and his sister more. He nurses every 3 hours during the day and goes anywhere from 8-12 hours at night. He has even started sleeping in a sleep sack instead of being swaddled. He still loves his swing, his ninny, his lovies, and to be rocked before bed time.

We went to the doctor this morning and he weighs 16lb 2 oz which is in the 75% and he is in the 95%  for length. Big sister better watch out, she won't be the bigger of two for long. Ford has 2 pounds to go before he weighs what Olivia weighed at one year. This big boy is such a joy and has made our family feel much more complete. 

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