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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Beach Trip Numero Dos

Hays' parents own a condo on Fort Morgan beach so we are so very blessed to be able to go down there several times during the summer. It's nice to be able to get away and even nicer that it's free. Believe me, we do realize how truly blessed we are.

Last week we were able to go down for a few days and enjoy the sun (or more like the rain). We meet two of Hays' high school friends at the beach annually so they came down a few days after us. There wasn't a ton of sun this time but we were able to get down on the beach for a little while the first two days we were there.

Olivia LOVES the sand so much that she would eat handfuls of it. I know, weird....

Ford seemed to like it as well. It was a breezy afternoon so we put him in this tent contraption in his car seat and he slept most of the time. If he's not a beach baby we're gonna do our best to make him one.:)

Two little peas in a pod. She is such a daddy's girl.

First, daddy was buried in the sand.

Soon after, Olivia was buried in the sand.
It rained the majority of the time we were there so we had to find different modes of entertainment. The zoo is always a good place to go for our family. This zoo has a lot of interactive activities for kids so we had a blast.
Olivia and I got to pet and hold baby kangaroos.

Of course, they have a petting zoo. I'm not sure who is more fond of who, the goat or Olivia.

She tried to make best friends with this little guy and he was having none of it. He kept running from her and she would continue to chase him. They were both very adamant.:)

Can you tell this big guy was having a rough day???

More petting and feeding. Olivia was beside herself.

We also went shopping one afternoon when the sun decided to hide from us. Not only did we drag Ford shopping with us but he also had to ride with Olivia's "babies". Poor thing, I really do feel sorry for him.

Olivia and Laurie
Laurie is the daughter of one of Hays' high school friends. Olivia and Laurie are only a month apart in age and had the best time playing together. Notice both of their babies, such sweetness.

This is Laurie and Olivia 2 years ago at the beach. So much can change in a short 2 years. They went from being babies to being little mommas to babies.

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